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SOPHIE's First Team Meeting in Snowy Slovenia

Writer's picture: La Xixa La Xixa

From the 16th to the 20th of January, the SOPHIE team met for the first time face-to-face in snowy Slovenia!

It was a great opportunity for the staff to get to know each other, exchange experiences and ideas around online learning and leisure time and on strategies to make them more inclusive and safe.

On the last day, the consortium had a warm welcome and the great opportunity to visit the school Osnovna šola Rudolfa Maistra in Šentilj.  Thank you to our hosts INTER-KULTURO and ORMS, to our trainers Adrián Crescini and Meritxell Martínez and to all the participants for the great energy, motivation and work done.

The activities that have been tested are some of those that will be used in the trainings that we will carry out in each member country of the project during the next months, through methodologies such as the Theater of the Oppressed, Participatory Action and Process Work, applied to critical media literacy and digital resilience.

Sophie Project

SOPHIE (project number: 2021-1-ES01-KA220-SCH-000035875) is a strategic partnership within the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission. It is a school education project, financed through the Spanish National Agency, SEPIE.
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